It was a lot of fun being both guest and entertainment at a baby shower given by a dear, old friend to celebrate the soon arrival of baby Jolene!

David was in my art classes many years ago, and it was a joy to share creativity in this setting!

I came prepared with the materials for guests to participate in a craft/painting project that I pre-planned, and the finished result was a gift to the expectant couple. Since Nataly is originally from Mexico, we decided upon bright, colorful whimsy and a gift that would grow with Jolene Isabella into teenage years and beyond.

The project involved a shadow-box style, layered construction, and we all had a lot of relaxation and good conversation as I led those interested through the activity. The ladies who were excited to do this came in and out during the shower event and of course, during the gift opening they were present inside.

I also came prepared to offer caricature drawing for anyone interested and there were a few takers!

If you would like to discuss ideas for potential creative guest activities involving art, please message me today at

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