About the Artist

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Thank you

for your interest

in my party event


with “Mr. Lost and Annabelle
by Moonlight”

Eileen is a fine artist/illustrator and originally a native of Newark, Delaware – where she was born, raised and lived there until 2012 when she relocated to Decatur, Alabama for about eight years.  She came back north in 2020 and now permanently resides in East Berlin, Pennsylvania.

She offers a variety of artist’s services from her home-based studio including commissioned portraits, gift caricatures, calligraphy, bouquet preservation, watercolors, illustrations, murals, painting parties and custom framing. She also does live caricature drawing and event painting at parties and weddings.

Eileen has illustrated (and written) three children’s books, and hopes to do many more, going forward.

She has been involved in fine arts and custom calligraphy since 1989, with thousands of satisfied customers all over the United States. She has created more than 1500 personalized pieces from her signature “Cord of Three Strands”™ design since 1991.

Eileen studied Art and Community/Family services at the University of Delaware, graduating with a B.S. in Home Economics in 1986.   She started her business in 1989 after the birth of her first son, because she loved doing creative work and wanted to earn money from home while raising and homeschooling her children.   Starting with small calligraphy projects and invitation addressing, she gradually built and expanded products/services in the areas of calligraphy, caricature drawing and illustrative/fine arts over the years. 

Her Etsy Store features many of her matted prints and notecards with inspirational calligraphy quotations, floral and other artwork.   Please visit her online store in addition to this website for ease in purchasing these type of items!

When not busy with her artwork, Eileen enjoys her family (she has two grown sons), gardening and “building things!”, canning and cooking, casual photography, church fellowship and volunteer activities, home decorating projects, her four cats and thirteen chickens (and her son’s dog, Wiley) plus any random child that visits her or she can chat with in public! ha ha!!, good films and knitting in front of the TV at night.

She also has a produce stand business called Home-Grown Fresh Produce for those local.

Those interested more in the entertainment side of her business and painting parties, can follow her on Facebook for upcoming events and new photos/videos Celebrate With Friends Creativity Parties for All Ages and Occasions.

(Above) Marley
Mr. Lost
He’s happy just to be inside!
(“C”~ute and “T”~rouble together...”Cute Trouble!”)
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(Above) Me and Elvis in Nashville, TN – 2018
Above) My son’s dog Wiley – he ain’t no hounddog
– he’s a red heeler!

“We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. Through the unknown, remembered gate when the last of earth left to discover is that which was the beginning; at the source of the longest river the voice of the hidden waterfall and the children in the apple-tree not known, because not looked for but heard, half-heard, in the stillness between two waves of the sea.”—T.S. Eliot, from “Little Gidding,” Four Quartets (Gardners Books; Main edition, April 30, 2001) Originally published 1943.”

A Note About My Products and Services:  

I offer my products and professional services in a spirit of love and respect to anyone.

I reserve the right to decline any custom project/professional service which I believe to be obscene, hate-based, inflammatory, or would otherwise require me to violate my beliefs/values/speech, rendering me unable to benefit the client.