
Please include as many details as possible with your inquiry or comment.

When requesting pricing on services, please let me know the date and as many other details as possible (number of guests, location, type of event, etc) so we can begin discussing your needs and I can provide you with the best information in my initial reply. Please also include your phone number.

I typically respond back within 24 hours.

Please send your inquiry by email to:

Please also make sure that Gmail or Other Email Client settings are not set to filter my reply into spam folder! Since my replies come from a non-standard email address, I am finding this sometimes to be a frustrating issue since it seems to vary in consistency based on user settings.

It is helpful to also include a phone contact if you wish, along with your detailed inquiry. That way, if my reply to you bounces back I have another means to let you know I tried to reach back out.

Thank you for your interest in my art and services!